Mac n Cheese with Broccoli
1 l (500 g) macaroni, dried
50 g butter
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, grated
30 ml (20 g) flour
1 l milk
400 ml (440 g) Santa Maria Cheddar Cheese Sauce
300 g broccoli
100 ml (40 g) panko
15 ml (6 g) Santa Maria paprika powder
500 g carrots, mixed colours
1 lemon, juice and zest
30 ml olive oil
3 ml (3 g) salt
5 ml ({0,5} g) Santa Maria Tellicherry Black Pepper
How to prepare
Heat the oven to 200°C
Boil the macaroni according to the instructions on the package.
Melt the butter in a sauce pan, fry the onion and the garlic for a few minutes. Add the flour and stir. Add milk, little by little until it turns out to a thick and smooth sauce.
Mix the sauce with the cheddar sauce.
Cut broccoli or cauliflower thin on a mandolin.
Mix the cheese sauce with the boild macaroni and the broccili/cauliflower in a ovenprof tray.
Sprinkle the panko and paprika powder over
Bake in the oven until the panko is golden , about 15 minutes.
Peel and cut the carrots thin
Mix the carrots with olive oil, lemonzest, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Serve with the carrot salad.
Tip! Try replacing the broccoli with cauliflower