Sustainability in Action

Our responsibility and goals
As an international company in the food and beverage industry we have a huge responsibility for climate and health. Sustainability is a deal-breaker in every decision we make. Step by step we improve our own operations and make it easier for others to make sustainable choices. Until 2030, we focus on the following areas, which answer to the Global Goals.
Focus areas

70% of our revenue comes from products and services that enable the health and well-being of people and the planet.Progress in nutrition goals
We are developing a framework for our nutrition goals to define what we mean by products that enable people's health. We are evaluating 3,500 products in our portfolio. We are also building a framework to define products that enable the well-being of the planet.

80% less greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations and 50% less in our value chain. All our packaging should be recyclable by 2027. 50% less food waste in the value chain.Emission reductions in our factories
We are constantly working to reduce emissions from our own operations. Our goal is to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions throughout our value chain by 2045.

The goal is that 100% of raw materials from high-risk areas come from responsibly verified sources.The verification of supply chain responsibility is expanding
All our coffees are sourced from responsibly verified sources. Now we are focusing on the spice supply chains. Our goal is that by the end of 2025, black pepper, onion, Indian chili, cumin, oregano, and turmeric will come from responsibly verified sources.